Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Hah!!Nervous...this is my first blog and still thinking nak tulis apa...the idea of having my own blog dh syik tertangguh.antara sbbnya dont have quality time in writing coz selalu bila guna laptop ammar pun nak menyibuk - sibuk nak tgk youtube.kecik2 dh pandai nak youtube,ni semua papa dia la yg last papa pun tension sbb takleh surfing internet dgn aman.haha..Ona (panggilan anak2 and anak menakan@anak buah dkt my little sister,nabelah) pun ada experience kena layan ammar tgk youtube.Enjoy kan Ona? ;p

Another idiot reason is I've always think that nothing to share@write about myself but that was before tonite! After reading other's ppl blog, rasa mcm best plak.See how much they appreciate and cherish all those moment and people in their life.I've come to realise that I pun ada byk org dan moment2 yg best utk dikongsikan.Especially about my two childrens MUHAMMAD AMMAR MIRZAN and AIRINA SARRA.Since my hubby pun seorang yg suka ambik gambaq..instead of just keep it safe in drive D, I think Im gonna paste it here and put some story in it.And that's a brilliant idea kan papa?! my lovely childrens Ammar and Sarra and my dear husband..This blog is dedicated to you..Lots of love from mama.

Happy reading!